Aktual recruits motivated school leavers through SODA+

All young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, deserve equal opportunities in the job market. Aktual fully supports this principle and is a proud sponsor of Soda+. This educational project motivates students to develop professional attitudes and connects them with potential employers.

Statistics show that Flemish young people with a migration background who are born here and have obtained their diploma have less chance of finding a job within a year after leaving school. This also applies to young people from families living in poverty. Vzw SODA+ is committed to instilling professional attitudes in the workers of the future.

Hire for attitude, train for skills." This powerful principle is something we strongly believe in at Aktual.
─  Stated by Sarah Devisscher, Recruitment Specialist at Aktual.

Students who excel in Punctuality, Order, Discipline, and a professional Attitude can obtain a SODA certificate. Aktual also relies on these certificates when recruiting school leavers. “‘Hire for attitude, train for skills.’ This powerful principle is something we strongly believe in at Aktual,” explains Sarah Devisscher, recruitment specialist at Aktual. “Aktual fully supports this social project and uses the platform in recruiting new employees. We also offer enriching holiday jobs and internships.”

The SODA certificates are awarded by the participating schools of the SODA project and are already recognized by more than 1,000 employers. A young person with such a certificate can demonstrate to a potential employer that they have a professional mindset. More information about Soda+ can be found on the website: https://sodaplus.be/nl-be/bedrijven