Our commitment to sustainability at Aktual

Sustainability is central at Aktual, not as a temporary trend, but as a core value that defines our company and guides us towards a more environmentally friendly future. We translate our commitment into concrete actions and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and our community.

Renewable Energy

One of our key steps towards sustainability is our transition to electric company vehicles. By making this switch, we not only reduce our ecological footprint but also contribute to reducing air pollution and noise. Additionally, we have invested in 360 solar panels, with a capacity of 140 KW, which largely supply electricity to our company and fleet. The energy we draw from the grid is also exclusively generated from renewable sources, further minimizing our ecological impact.


Recycling with Renewi

Sustainability for us goes beyond energy conservation alone. We believe in collaboration and have therefore formed a partnership with Renewi Belgium. Together, we are committed to reusing and recycling materials, thereby having a positive impact on the environment and contributing to a circular economy. Thanks to this partnership, our materials are given a second life, contributing to a more sustainable future for us all.


Modular Design

Sustainability in booth construction is a collaborative effort. Together with our designers, we strive to make environmentally conscious choices and create sustainable booths. Our designers are happy to share their expertise and brainstorm more environmentally friendly material options, developing a clear vision around the materials used, their origins, quality, and potential reuse options. Together, we take on the challenge of promoting the circular aspect of booth construction and minimizing waste.

Would you like to read more about how we can make a difference together? In this article, you will discover some of the possibilities to prioritize sustainability in your next exhibition participation.”

Request a free preliminary design

At Aktual, sustainability is more than a passing trend; it’s a responsibility we take seriously. With every step we take, we aim to minimize our ecological impact and protect our planet for future generations. Do you have an upcoming trade show? Request your preliminary design now, and let’s prioritize sustainability together, not just in words but in actions

Our commitment to sustainability at Aktual

Sustainability is central at Aktual, not as a temporary trend, but as a core value that defines our company and guides us towards a more environmentally friendly future. We translate our commitment into concrete actions and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and our community.

The VEZO Awards, organized by the municipal government of Evergem, local UNIZO chapters, and the Advisory Board for Local Economy, annually celebrate the exceptional achievements of entrepreneurs in five different categories. Aktual was praised for its outstanding entrepreneurial spirit. The jury commended our professional appearance, our commitment to providing opportunities for young people through dual learning, and the successful expansion of our activities beyond our core business of stand construction, namely: Aktual interior construction and timber frame construction, known as moduus.

This award reaffirms our ongoing pursuit of excellence and is a recognition of the hard work of our team. It is an honor to receive this accolade, and we are extremely grateful for the jury’s commendation.

Our sincere thanks also go to everyone who contributed to this success, including our loyal customers and suppliers, and to our dedicated team who give their best every day. We look forward to building the future of Aktual with the same passion and dedication.

Our commitment to sustainability at Aktual

Sustainability is central at Aktual, not as a temporary trend, but as a core value that defines our company and guides us towards a more environmentally friendly future. We translate our commitment into concrete actions and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and our community.

All young people, regardless of their socio-economic background, deserve equal opportunities in the job market. Aktual fully supports this principle and is a proud sponsor of Soda+. This educational project motivates students to develop professional attitudes and connects them with potential employers.

Statistics show that Flemish young people with a migration background who are born here and have obtained their diploma have less chance of finding a job within a year after leaving school. This also applies to young people from families living in poverty. Vzw SODA+ is committed to instilling professional attitudes in the workers of the future.

Hire for attitude, train for skills." This powerful principle is something we strongly believe in at Aktual.
─  Stated by Sarah Devisscher, Recruitment Specialist at Aktual.

Students who excel in Punctuality, Order, Discipline, and a professional Attitude can obtain a SODA certificate. Aktual also relies on these certificates when recruiting school leavers. “‘Hire for attitude, train for skills.’ This powerful principle is something we strongly believe in at Aktual,” explains Sarah Devisscher, recruitment specialist at Aktual. “Aktual fully supports this social project and uses the platform in recruiting new employees. We also offer enriching holiday jobs and internships.”

The SODA certificates are awarded by the participating schools of the SODA project and are already recognized by more than 1,000 employers. A young person with such a certificate can demonstrate to a potential employer that they have a professional mindset. More information about Soda+ can be found on the website: https://sodaplus.be/nl-be/bedrijven

Our commitment to sustainability at Aktual

Sustainability is central at Aktual, not as a temporary trend, but as a core value that defines our company and guides us towards a more environmentally friendly future. We translate our commitment into concrete actions and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and our community.

Our commitment to sustainability at Aktual

Sustainability is central at Aktual, not as a temporary trend, but as a core value that defines our company and guides us towards a more environmentally friendly future. We translate our commitment into concrete actions and initiatives that have a positive impact on the environment and our community.

Dankzij COVID-19 wordt oude droom van standenbouwer werkelijkheid

PERSARTIKEL – woensdag 20 januari 2021 — EVERGEM  De coronacrisis heeft het voorbije jaar stevig ingehakt op de eventsector. Dat voelden ook de standenbouwers. Gevestigde naam Aktual uit Gent maakte van de vrijgekomen tijd gebruik om werk te maken van een oude droom. Onder de naam ‘moduus’ ontwerpt en bouwt zaakvoerder Kristof De Baerdemaeker met zijn team nu ook duurzame, architecturale houten bijgebouwen.

moduus ontwerpt en bouwt houten bijgebouwen met een uniek design dat blendt met de omgeving. Wie een tiny house, tuinberging, poolhouse, tuinkantoor of offgrid buitenleefruimte wil installeren, kan bij moduus kiezen uit drie basisstijlen en die vervolgens aanpassen aan de eigen wensen. Wie nog een stapje verder wil gaan, kan zijn eigen, unieke houten bijgebouw laten uittekenen door de (interieur)architect van moduus of zelfs volledig offgrid gaan. De buitenpaviljoenen hebben een moderne, Scandinavische look en worden gekenmerkt door warme accenten in hout, strakke lijnen en grote raampartijen met een open zicht op de natuur. Verder staat moduus voor totaalrealisaties, want ook de inrichting wordt volledig op maat afgewerkt. Dat is uniek in de sector.

Uitbreiding in coronatijden
Aktual-CEO Kristof De Baerdemaeker lanceert deze maand zijn nieuwe bedrijf. Door COVID-19 gingen zijn standenbouwactiviteiten het afgelopen jaar in pauzemodus, maar het gaf hem wel te tijd om de bleuprint voor moduus uit te tekenen. Kristof: “Ik heb altijd een voorliefde voor hout en architectuur gehad. Na mijn opleiding en een eerste werkervaring in de bouwsector stapte ik in de familiale onderneming Aktual. Ik werkte er eerst als projectmanager, later als zaakvoerder en eigenaar. Al vijfendertig jaar combineren we standenbouw met interieurinrichting. Hout staat daarbij centraal: een nobel, duurzaam materiaal met enorm veel potentieel.” Een mooie plus van de komst van moduus is uiteraard dat Aktual op die manier zijn team tijdens de coronaperiode aan het werk kon houden. De medewerkers maken momenteel de doorstart van het nieuwe bedrijf en geven binnenkort de fakkel door aan het moduus-team dat momenteel wordt aangeworven.

De toekomst is houtskeletbouw en modulair
De laatste jaren rijzen tuincontainers en tiny houses als paddenstoelen uit de grond. Maar na de trend en postcovid lijken de tuinpaviljoenen een blijver. “Mensen beseffen steeds meer hoe belangrijk het is om te investeren in eigen comfort en om ecologisch te bouwen. En als ik afga op de rest van de wereld, durf ik zelfs te stellen dat houtskeletbouw de baksteen uit de maag van de Belg zal verjagen. Meer nog, in de toekomst zal het modulaire karakter van onze paviljoenen zelfs in de hele bouwsector steeds meer ingeburgerd geraken”, aldus Kristof.

De kleinste moduus-modellen starten vanaf 25.000 euro, excl. btw. Deze kunnen in één dag worden opgezet. Voor de professionel markt zijn er ook lease-to-buyformules voor de thuiswerkende medewerker.